How do I Uninstall FreightWare on my computer?

Uninstall FreightWare Online

FreightWare Online uses a Remote Desktop Connection (RDP) client to connect to our robust server. This allows any Windows or Mac computer to use FreightWare Online. To remove this functionality, users must delete the FreightWare RPD client, UniPrint and FreightWare folders.

To uninstall the RDP client on a Windows computer follow these steps:

  1. Delete the the Artronix folders located at C:\Program Files\Artronix.  Note:  Include all subfolders..
  2. Delete FreightWare shortcut Icon from Desktop.
  3. In Settings; Apps and Features: Select the UniPrint Client and click Uninstall.  Follow the prompts to remove.

To uninstall the RDP client on a Mac computer follow these steps:

  1. Drag the Remote Desktop Client to the Trashcan.
  2. Drag the UniPrint Client to the Trashcan.

Article ID: 97
Last updated: 16 Jan, 2020
Revision: 1
Installation & Upgrades -> How do I Uninstall FreightWare on my computer?