FreightWare Help Center

How do I Setup / Maintain my Vendors?

Article ID: 95
Last updated: 31 Oct, 2019


Vendors Screen Location: Main Menu → Accounts Payable → Vendors

From the Start Screen enter some or all of the following search criteria:

  • Vendor No:
  • Name:
  • Address:
  • City
  • State
  • Zip Code
  • Type of Vendor
  • Expense Account assigned to Vendor
  • Active or Inactive
  • 1099 or Not 1099

And press Enter↵ or click the  .

Press the Open Folder icon to open to the Vendor Information Tab:

On the Information tab you can maintain the following:

    • Vendor's Name
    • Main Contacts First and Last Name
    • Street Address; Suite; City; State; Zip Code; and Country
    • Phone and Fax numbers
    • Email Address
    • Remit To (if different)
    • Comments
    • Type of Vendor
    • Your account number at Vendor
    • Payment Terms
    • Credit Limit
    • Fed Tax ID
    • Social Security Number
    • Default Expense Account
    • 1099 Status

Click on the Contact Tab to view the Contacts Information:

On the Contact tab you can maintain the following:

  • Contact's Name and Title
  • Phone / Fax / EMail
  • Note
  • EMail Remittance Advice (Note: If this is selected the contact will receive an Email Remittance Advice when processing payment.)

Click on the User Defined Tab to view the User Defined Information:

Click on the Custom Fields Tab to view the Custom Fields Information:

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Article ID: 95
Last updated: 31 Oct, 2019
Revision: 3
Views: 5

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