FreightWare Help Center

How do I use the Carrier Search feature?

Article ID: 93
Last updated: 26 Mar, 2020

The Carrier Search Feature allows you to develop a list of Carrier Contacts that you would like to email an available loads requirements and request rates and availability from the carrier. You can select from user defined templates or manually type in the information you want. If opened from a Quote or Master Bill, the Origin, Destination, Services, Equipment, Commodity, Pallets, and Weight will be available in the email. For a complete list of Available Fields, see below.

Open the new Carrier Search screen by clicking the Carrier Search button on

  • The Tool Bar:
  • From Quotations -> Carrier Tab:  
  • From the Master Bill screen -> Charges tab:  

Note: Opening the form from either a Quote or Master Bill will auto populate the Origin, Destination Services, and Equipment fields.

From the Search tab you will create a list of Carrier Contacts that will receive the email:

You can Search for Contacts of Carriers by

  1. Load History: Carriers that have been used on loads as of a date. Narrow the search by Origin City/St/Zip; Destination City/St/Zip, Carrier Base State.
  2. Carrier Rates: Carriers that are have valid Rates Origin / Destination. Use wildcards (% or *) to increase the search. (i.e. *WA* will return all carriers with WA anywhere in their Origin)
  3. Carrier Base State: Carriers with the selected State in their address.
  4. Services, Zones, and/or Equipment that have been assigned to the Carrier. 

After entering you criteria, click the  to gather a list of all carrier contacts found in the search.  
Double Click the Carrier Contact to add them to the list of selected contacts.
Change the criteria and refresh the list as many times as needed until you get all the contacts desired in your selected list.  Then click on the Email tab.

  1. Select an Email Template from the list and/or type in any additional information you desire.
    • Changing the Font attributes changes the entire email.
    • If you want you can add individual HTML codes to the text to affect a specific area.
  2. Select an Email Profile to use for sending the Email.
  3. Enter a Subject for the Email
  4. Click the  to preview the email
  5. Select any Attachments you want to include with the email

Once you are happy with your selections, press the   This will generate 1 email per Carrier Contact in your Selected List.

Click  when finished.

Here is a list of available Fields and a brief description of their data:

  • {{CompanyName}} - Your Company's Name
  • {{DispatcherName}} - The Name of your Dispatcher that is on the Quote or Master Bill
  • {{DispatcherPhone}} - The Phone of your Dispatcher that is on the Quote or Master Bill
  • {{DispatcherEmail}} -The Email of your Dispatcher that is on the Quote or Master Bill
  • {{CarrierName}} - Carrier Name for the Selected Contact
  • {{ContactName}} - Contacts Name from the Carrier Contact Screen
  • {{OriginCity}}, {{OriginState}}, {{OriginZip}} - Shipper's City, State and Zip
  • {{ScheduledPickup}} - Scheduled Pickup Date
  • {{DestCity}}, {{DestState}}, {{DestZip}} - Consignee's City, State and Zip
  • {{ScheduledDelivery}} - Scheduled Delivery Date
  • {{Services}} - List of Required Services for the Load
  • {{Equipment}} - List of Required Equipment for the Load
  • {{Commodity}} - First Line Item Description on the Load
  • {{Weight}} - Total Weight for the Load
  • {{Pallets}} - Total Pallets for the Load
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Article ID: 93
Last updated: 26 Mar, 2020
Revision: 4
Views: 4

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