FreightWare Help Center

What is the file specification for Warehouse Bills of Lading imports?

Article ID: 92
Last updated: 31 Oct, 2019

This document contains the required file format for importing Warehouse Bills of Lading into FreightWare.

Files must be a plain-text comma-delimited file using either TXT of CSV file extension.

It is recommended that text fields begin and end with double-quotes (").

Field Position Field Name Max Field Length Format Required Notes
 1  CustomerNumber  15  Text  Y  FreightWare Customer Number
 2  FromWhse  Numeric  Y  List of valid vaues to be provided by Artronix
 3  ToLocation  15  Text  N  FreightWare Location ID
 4  DateShipped  10  Text  Y  MM/DD/YY or MM/DD/YYYY
 5  CustomerPO  50  Text  N
 6  SpecialInstructions  Text  N
 7  ItemCode  50  Text Y  Item Code must be valid for Customer Number
 8  Quantity  Numeric  Y  Number of Pieces in whole numbers

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Article ID: 92
Last updated: 31 Oct, 2019
Revision: 3
Views: 1
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