FreightWare Help Center

Load Consolidation Procedure

Article ID: 89
Last updated: 31 Oct, 2019

FreightWare for Brokers

Load Consolidation Procedure

Overview -  When a new load is created in FreightWare, a Carrier Bill or Masterbill is automatically created with the customer load.  The Masterbill is information related to the carrier, such as the charges, carrier pro#, carrier dispatcher and driver contact information, etc..  Generally loads are full truckload but occasionally it is necessary to combine (or LTL) two or more customer loads on to a single masterbill.  The procedure to accomplish this consolidation is done from the Operations > Load Planning option.

From the Load Planning screen, top panel if you are using the split screen, double-click on the load number for each load you want to consolidate, except for the last load which will contain all of the consolidated loads.

For example:  You want to consolidate 3 customer loads, load no.s 100100, 100101, and 100102 onto a single carrier load.  You need to decide which of those 3 loads will contain the other 2 loads.  You decide you want 100100 to be the load no. that you want to move all 3 loads on. 

  • Double-click on load no. 100101 (top panel if using split screen), and double-click 100102 same way.  You should see the line change color after double-clicking.
  • On load 100100, right-click and select Consolidate Loads.
  • Answer Yes to confirm.

Masterbills for loads 100101 and 100102 will be removed from Load Planning and the consolidated load, 100100 in this case, will open. 

  • The Routing tab will contain all of the stops, PICKs and DROPs from all 3 loads.  It is now up to you to arrange those stops in the order in which you wish the carrier to move them.
    • Move stops to different positions by clicking once on the position number (left-most column).  The other stop position numbers will turn red.
    • Click once on the position number you want the stop to be moved to.
    • Stops will be repositioned on the screen.  Do this until the stops are in the desired order to be moved.
  • Click on the Loads tab to view the list of customer loads on this masterbill.  (Click on the Delete button on left to remove a load from this consolidation.)
  • Click on the Charges tab to enter the linehaul, stop, fuel, and any other charges that will associated with this masterbill.  (Remember that to the carrier, this just looks like a single load with multiple picks and drops.)
  • Move the load with the carrier as usual.
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Article ID: 89
Last updated: 31 Oct, 2019
Revision: 3
Views: 20

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