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How do I run reports using filters, groups and sorting?

Article ID: 85
Last updated: 31 Oct, 2019

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Some reports will offer a dialog of options that include Filters, Group and Sort. 

Each of these options can be used in combination with the others to offer sometimes hundreds of different outputs from the same basic report.  Many of the reports will continue to have a separate filter for a range of dates or As Of date. 

Filters - Use this option to reduce the amount of information to be included in the report.  For example, you may only want to see information for a particular customer.  Select the Filter Field, the Filter Value, and then click the top right-arrow button to add that filter to the Selected Filters list.


Use the middle left-arrow button to remove a highlighted filter from the Selected Filters list, or the bottom double-left-arrow button to remove all filters from the Selected Filters list.

You may set multiple filters to further reduce the information to just the information you are interested in on a report.  In our example, we may only want to see information for that customer but destined for only one particular state.

Look to the end of the report to see what filters were used to produce that particular report.


Group - Use the Group option to break the report up into groups.  Each group will have subtotals and a count of detail lines for that group.  For example, if a Customer group is available for a report, then we can select Customer and decide if we want the groups to print in ascending or descending order.  


Sort - Use the sort option to determine the order each detail line will print within a group.  For example, if an item such as Gross Revenue is available, then you may select it and the Order descending to show the highest revenue items first.


The following example report shows all shipments in a date range that have an Illinois destination, grouped by customer, with details sorted in descending Gross Revenue order.

Notice the date range, group and sort options are shown at the top, and filters shown at the bottom.

Detail / Summary - Some reports will offer the ability to just print the group subtotals and final report totals and leave out the details. 

Select the Summary option on the right side (if available) to exclude the details.

Saved Report Parameters - Save your report parameters and give the saved parameters a name that describes the report.

Use the disk button to save the report, and delete button to remove a previously saved report.  Tip: Enter the Saved Report name in the First Title field to remind yourself what saved report you are looking at.

Report Logo - There is a new ReportLogo switch available from Setup > Company Settings > Switches.  Send your logo design to support and we will configure this switch for you so your logo appears on the reports.

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Article ID: 85
Last updated: 31 Oct, 2019
Revision: 3
Views: 24

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