How to use vSeeker?

1) Open vSeeker in your preferred browser (Your administrator will provide a link to your company’s extension of vSeeker).
2) You will be navigated to the Log In screen. At this point you want to click on the 'Register' button.
3) You will then be navigated to the Register screen. Here you want to fill out all information prompted for (The fields 'Company Code' and 'Control Number' will be provided to you by an administrator).
4) Be sure to use a valid email address you can freely access, if you forget your password this is the email address we will send your New Password to

5) After you have filled out all the information prompted for hit the 'Submit' button.
6) You are now registered!

Log In:

1) After you have registered you are now able to input the Email Address and Password you have provided.

2) Enter Email and Password

3) Hit the 'Log In' button

4) You are now Logged In!


If you ever forget your password you can always click the ‘Forgot Password’ link above the Log In and Register buttons. This will prompt you for the email address for the account whose password you’ve forgotten, and

will email you your current password.


To change your account information/settings:

First, log into vSeeker.

Then, click your name at the top of the side bar menu, with the pencil icon displayed next to it. This will navigate you to the Edit Profile screen.


There are a select few pieces of information you are not allowed to change (ex. User ID, User Name, Active, ...).

If you would like to use a different E-Mail address as your User Name just re-register as yourself under the new E-Mail address.

Don't forget to hit the 'Save Changes' button, before you navigate away!


Your start up screen has a pre generated report of all Invoice Records available to view. The fields in the header of this report are always going to be the same. 

You can filter and sort upon the fields you see.

To sort a field, simply click the text on the header and it will change the sorting of that field in ascending or descending order. There is an arrow that will point in which direction you are sorting.


You can also set the item count of the report. If you want to show only the first 5 records all you need to do is change the ‘Items per page’ drop down at the bottom of the report. Here you can also change the page if there are multiple pages of records.

Above the report you should see a set of quick filters ‘Filter Date (PU Date)’, ‘Pro Number’, and ‘Reference Number’.

To utilize any of these filters simply click the button next to the label. Changing this quick filter option will change the set of input below.


EXAMPLE: Using Quick Filter to find the reference number of ‘1604315-09’

1)      Click the button or directly on the label near the top of the window labeled ‘Reference Number’

2)      A input with the text saying ‘Enter Reference Number:’ now is available

3)      Enter the reference number of ‘1604315-09’

4)      Hit the ‘Search’ button

5)      Success!

You can only use one quick filter at a time, but you can always use the report header filters to filter on many fields for a more specific target.

To filter on more than just what the quick filters provide, click the Funnel Icon in the header of the field you want to filter. This will give you a drop down of all the options available on that field.


EXAMPLE: To filter on Status to see all Dispatched Loads

1)      Click the Funnel Icon next to the text ‘Status’ (Clicking the label only sorts the field in ascending or descending order).

2)      The Drop Down will reveal itself.

3)      Set the first Drop Down Box to the ‘Is equal to’ option.

4)      In the next input box down type out the Status ‘Dispatched’.

5)      Hit the ‘Filter’ button.

6)      Success!

If you need to filter on more than one value, open your filter drop down and use the conjunction that fits your request ('And' or 'Or'). If done correctly you will be able to read the filter request easily. 

EXAMPLE: "Show items(Status) with value that... is equal to 'Dispatched' Or is equal to 'Planned'"


If you want to sort a field in ascending or descending order, simply click on the label of the field. First click will sort in ascending, second click will sort in descending, and a third click will clear the sorting on the field altogether.There will be a small arrow graphic displaying the sort direction

If you have filtered and sorted too much, and you would like the report to be returned as it was at the beginning when you first logged in, you will always have a ‘Reset’ button above the report and next to your quick filter. This will return the sorting back to square one.


The side bar menu is available throughout most screens in vSeeker.

It also knows your name!

You can edit your account information and settings by clicking your name or the pencil icon displayed next to your name. This will take you to another screen where you can edit your Login Information, Company Information, and Load Notifications. Under Login Information you can change your account password by clicking the ‘[Change Password]’ link.

The side bar menu gives you a great set of tools one of which being ‘Exporting’.

Underneath 'Exporting' you will see two buttons  named ‘Excel’ and ‘PDF’. These will Export the report you are currently looking at. Including the filtering, sorting, and page count you have currently set.

You will also use these buttons to export any Custom Reports you created and are currently viewing.


Both Export buttons will export the report to their respective format.


Below your Export buttons in the side bar menu you will see ‘Create Report’. This is your Custom Report section, where you will create Custom Reports, and retrieve previously saved Reports.

To create a Custom Report:

1)      Click the button labelled ‘Create’.

2)      You will be navigated to a new screen.

3)      On this screen you have three area’s to pay attention to

A)     The top, where you Name, Preview, Reset, and Save the report.

B)      The middle, where you can enter a helpful description for the purposes of this report.

C)      The bottom, where you Drag and Drop the fields you want to see on this report. You can also rearrange the Drag and Drop items to organize the field order. (Top being first, bottom being last)

4)      Drag and Drop the fields you would like to see on a report.

5)      Hit ‘Preview’ to see your results!


A new report with the fields you chose will be created. You can do everything you can do with the first pre rendered report. Including sorting, filtering, and exporting.


If you like what you see you can always hit the ‘Edit Report’ button near the top of the window. This will take you back to the previous screen where you can name/re name your report, give it a description and ultimately save the report for later use.


When you save a Custom Report it will be added to the list labelled 'Saved Reports' in your custom report section in the side bar menu. Below this list are your controls for the custom reports which include ‘View’, ‘Edit’, and ‘Delete’.


To use these controls, first you must click/tap to select a report; once a report is selected you can use any of the controls.


View does exactly that, lets you view the report selected. When viewing a custom report your Export buttons in the side bar menu now will export the custom report. Export buttons will export the report you are currently looking at.

Edit, lets you edit the report to change the title, the description, and even the fields and their order they are arranged in.

Delete, gives you the option to delete a report you may have accidently created, or you have no use for anymore. Don’t worry; there is a second chance to decline the delete if you aren’t sure you want to get rid of the report. But, after you confirm the report will be gone forever. Be sure you really want to delete the report!


The reports in this list are yours and no one but you can retrieve, edit, or delete them. 


A common ability that all reports in vSeeker have is to view the full details of that record.

To view the details of a particular record in the report double click anywhere on the row for that record, this will take you to a separate screen. (single tap on mobile devices)

The detail screen is split into two sections
There is detailed information on the left including Stop information, Tracking details, and any additional Notes

Then there are all visuals on the right. This includes a progress bar graphic depicting the status of the current Invoice, a Google map that will show all stop locations and possibly the load itself if it is being tracked by third party software, and lastly all scanned images attached to this Invoice are displayed in a Image Gallery with a clickable thumbnail to enlarge the image and/or download the image.


Near the top of this screen you have two buttons. ‘Back’ and ‘Printer Friendly'.

Back, will take you to the previous screen you were on (Either your home screen report or your custom report)

Printer Friendly, will navigate you to another formatted screen that will display the same information on this screen, minus the progress bar, google map, and invoice images.

Note: The Pinter Friendly button is disabled on Mobile Devices due to technical limitations.

You can view and print individual scanned images by clicking the thumbnail of the image in the gallery.

When you click a thumb nail it will open a larger view of the image.

If the image is a PDF format you will be able to use the PDF controls to print or download the image.

If the image is any other format (JPEG, PNG, TIFF) you will in addition to the larger image have a ‘Download’ button that will allow you to download the image locally.


Your experience with the image types of PDF or TIF may vary depending on your device.

Due to technical limitations in the Mobile Enviroment, PDF's and TIF's will not have preview thumbnails.

Instead, you will be provided a hyper link that will prompt your device to download the image and open the file to a PDF reader application/plugin that you have installed.

If you are having trouble viewing a PDF or TIF image on your mobile device please try the following troubleshooting tips before further contact.

Troubleshooting Tips:

Generally, If you have an issue not solved by this FAQ document, please refresh your browser window to be sure you are working with the current version of vSeeker.

Mobile Device Troubleshooting: PDF and TIF images

Android Devices
1) Open Google Play and search for 'PDF reader'

2) Download a PDF reader application of your choosing (There are many different choices, recommended using 'Adobe Acrobat')

3) Refresh your browser window

4) Navigate to the Invoice Detail of your choosing
5) Tap a hyper link in the Image Gallery displaying  the file type and description (ex. "Proof Of Delivery - pdf")
6) Allow the download, and Open the file using the application you downloaded in step 2  (This step may or may not be applicable)

Apple Devices

If you cannot open a image on your Apple Device try opening/saving the image in a different browser

Article ID: 81
Last updated: 31 Oct, 2019
Revision: 3
vSeeker Web Tracing -> How to use vSeeker?