FourKites / FreightWare integration

FourKites / FreightWare Integration                                                                                        April 12, 2016


FourKites ( offers tracking of 3rd party carriers for freight brokers. Information is obtained from the driver via a mobile app that sends location information to FourKites every 15 minutes.  FourKites then offers a web api call that will "pull" the current information, as well as a "push" api call that will occur when the truck arrives or departs a stop location.


Secure carrier for load with a signed rate confirmation.

Obtain cell phone number of driver moving the load and enter into the masterbill screen.

Upload masterbill to FourKites.

On the FourKites Load Management screen, enter the masterbill you wish to upload, and click OK.

If the masterbill number is valid, the Create or Upload Load button will be enabled. Also required is the SCAC code for the carrier moving the load.  Enter the SCAC code in the Files > Carriers.  Click Create or Upload Load to upload to FourKites.

NOTE: The driver phone number must be present in the load to be tracked by FourKites.  Phone number format should be entered as (555)555-5555.

The load should now be visible on the FourKites website.  If any changes occur on the load, you may upload the load again using the same procedure as above.

Cancel Load

If the load needs to be removed from the FourKites system, follow the above procedure except to click the Cancel Load button.

Get Latest Location

To "pull" the latest location for a load, click the Get Latest Location button.  This will send a request to FourKites and create a comment check call for that load showing the city since the last tracking.

FourKites API

FourKites offers the service to automatically send information back to FreightWare

Article ID: 80
Last updated: 31 Oct, 2019
Revision: 3
FreightWare for Brokers -> FourKites / FreightWare integration