FreightWare Help Center

Dispatcher Mobile App User Guide

Article ID: 78
Last updated: 31 Oct, 2019

Broker Dispatcher Mobile App User Guide


Dispatcher Mobile App is designed to give FreightWare for Brokers users direct and real-time management of loads.  Set up new pickup and delivery locations, as well as new carriers.  Create a new load (with some limitations) and send the rate confirmation to the carrier.  Carrier can accept or decline the load online and send email reply back to dispatcher.

Mobile App users must be already set up as users in FreightWare for Brokers.  User may use the mobile app, or FreightWare for Brokers, but not at the same time.


Using the app for the first time requires registration.  From the Log In screen, click the Register button.

  • Company Code - Assigned by Artronix.  It will be the same for all users, and will not change. 
  • User Name - This is the same user name you use to log into FreightWare for Brokers.
  • Password - Must be at least 6 characters in length.  You may use your FreightWare password but it is not required.  You may have different passwords for the mobile app and FreightWare.
  • Terms and Conditions - Read and agree to app terms and conditions.

Log In

When you log into the Mobile App, it will automatically disable your FreightWare login.  Likewise, when you log into FreightWare, it will disable your mobile app login.  You may not be logged into both the mobile app and FreightWare at the same time.

  • Company Code - This will be the same company code you used when registered.
  • User Name - This will be the same user name used when registering and the same user name when logging into FreightWare.
  • Password - This is the password you selected when registering.  It may or may not be the same as your FreightWare password.

Main Menu

Select from one of the following menu options:

  • Today's Picks and Drops - Shows picks and drops scheduled for today.  Options also include Past (before today) and Future (after today).  Click on the stop to display the load detail and enter a check call to complete the stop.
  • Load Summary - Same display as Load Planning in FreightWare.  Select the load to show load details, and check call load status.
  • Customer Search - Find customers by name to display their address and contact information.
  • Location Search - Find pickup and delivery locations by name, city or state to display their address and contact information.
  • Carrier Search - Find carriers by name, city or state to display their address and contact information. 

Today's Picks and Drops

Shows picks and drops scheduled for today. 

Options also include Past (before today) and Future (after today). 

Click on the stop to display the load detail.

Click the Check Call button to enter a check call and complete the next stop.

Add Load

From Today's Picks and Drops screen, you may also click the Add Load button.

Customer, Shipper and Consignee information are search fields.  Enter at least 2 characters that are contained in the name.  Shipper and Consignee have a + button that may be clicked to enter a new location.  New customers may not be added from the mobile app.

Click Save to complete your entries.  This will display a new screen to select your carrier and enter your carrier charge.  Click the Send R.C. button to send your rate confirmation. 

The To: email recipient will show the default carrier email address.  This may be overridden manually.  The BCC address will be the email address from the user logged in.  (This comes from the Security -> Create Security Profile -> Email tab -> From setting in FreightWare).

The rate confirmation sent to the carrier will contain a link they may click to reply to the rate confirmation.  They may enter the driver name, driver phone, their carrier pro no., and their dispatcher name handling the load.  Clicking the Accept button will re-send the rate confirmation to both the carrier and mobile app user indicating they Accepted.  Clicking the Decline button will also re-send the confirmation to both the carrier and mobile app user indicating they Declined.

The online carrier acceptance will also create a Dispatch check call and advance the load status from Planned to Dispatched.


  • Only one revenue item may be entered for a load entered through the mobile app.  The load may be edited in FreightWare later to add additional charges.
  • The mobile app only allows a single amount for the carrier charge.  The carrier charge may be edited in FreightWare later to break down charges if necessary.

 View / Edit Load

Any load may be edited by clicking the View/Edit button from the load detail screen.   Click the Edit Mode button before making any changes. All changes are saved immediately to the FreightWare database after clicking the Save button. 

Customer Search

Search for Customers by name to display address and contact information.  Enter 2 or more characters to display all customers with those characters appearing somewhere in their name, not just from the beginning.

You may click on the phone number or email address to trigger your phone or email app automatically.  This is a not editable and you are not able to update the values back to FreightWare.

Location Search

Enter 2 or more characters of the location name, city, or state, to display their address and contact information.

You may click on the phone number or email address to trigger your phone or email app automatically.  This is a not editable and you are not able to update the values back to FreightWare.

Carrier Search

 Enter 2 or more characters of the carrier name, city, or state, to display their address and contact information.

The Home button will take you back to your main menu where you can find the Log Off button to log out of the mobile app.

You may click on the phone number or email address to trigger your phone or email app automatically.  This is a not editable and you are not able to update the values back to FreightWare.

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Article ID: 78
Last updated: 31 Oct, 2019
Revision: 3
Views: 61

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