FreightWare Help Center

How do I map my local drives in FreightWare Online?

Article ID: 70
Last updated: 06 Jan, 2022
  1. Open Windows Explorer and Navigate to C:\Program Files\Artronix and make sure the Uploads, Scans, and Downloads directories exist. If not Create them.
  2. Make sure you have Full Control over these directories.
    • Note:  These are the default folders where FreightWare look sform images and/or sending files.  Your folders may be different.

Now we need to Share these directories with the RDP Client so FreightWare can see them.

  1. Right click on the FrieghtWare Icon on your desktop.
  2. Select Edit.
  3. Select the Local Resources tab.
  4. Click the More... Button.

  1. Make sure you select the drive where your folders exist.
  2. Click OK
  3. Select the General Tab
  4. Click the Save Button.
    • Note:  Make sure the directory on your local drive has been created and you have full security privileges to it.
    • Note:  If you are currently logged in, you will have to log out, wait 2 minutes, then log back in for the changes to take affect.

Note: If these are not the default folders then you have to tell FreightWare where to find the files, otherwise skip this step.

Screen Location: Main Menu > Setup > Security Profiles

  1. Double click on the menu item Security Profiles to open security.
  2. Click the FIND button and select the user profile that needs to be changed.
  3. Select the Custom Fields tab.

  1. Select the appropriate field and enter the path to the local directory in the Field Value.
    • Note: The path should always start with \\tsclient\.
  2. Click the Done button to close this screen.

Mapping your local Disk Drives

In order to Download, Upload, and Scan documents From/To FreightWare, we must first make sure the Directories exist and you have sufficient security to Read/Write to them.

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Article ID: 70
Last updated: 06 Jan, 2022
Revision: 4
Views: 174

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