FreightWare Help Center

Broker Operations Procedure

Article ID: 67
Last updated: 31 Oct, 2019

FreightWare for Brokers Operations Procedure

Following is a typical procedure used in FreightWare Broker Operations.  Adjustments can be made to accomodate your operation.

  1. Enter a quote - Operations > Quotations - Optional -
    • Used to either quote to a customer or to keep load information that might not be booked until covered.  Quotes may be converted to Loads with the Create Load button.
  2. Enter a load - Operations > Load Booking - Either enter a load directly or may be created from a quote.
    • Carrier tab - Opens the Carrier Masterbill where all Carrier information about the load is entered including carrier charges, special requirements, etc.
    • Cost tab - These are "non-carrier" costs, (i.e. handling, lumper, etc.)  Uses carriers from the Files > Carriers option that are marked with a carrier type of 'Other'.  Payments for these are handled same as carrier payments.
    • Revenue tab - These are the charges to your customer. 
      • Item codes may be set up in the Files > Commodity Items option. 
      • Unit of Measures may be set up in the Files > Unit of Measure option. 
      • A variety of rate methods may be used to have the system automatically calculate the line amount.
    • Stops tab - Any number of additional picks/drops between the first pick (Shipper), and the last drop (Consignee), may be entered. 
      • Appointment information may be entered in each stop record. 
      • Each item from the Revenue tab may be entered to show what quantites of each item will be picked / dropped at each stop.  These quantities will print on the rate confirmation to the carrier.
    • Appointments tab - This tab is a more convenient way to enter appointment information for 1 pick / 1 drop loads.  It will appear in the Stops tab for the shipper and consignee once entered.
    • Reference tab - Enter your reference numbers here.
    • Comments tab - Enter comments for the freight bill to the customer, or comments to the carrier on the rate confirmation.  Click the Delivery Instructions button to enter comments in the delivery area of the rate confirmation.
    • Log tab - System generated log notes appear here.  Click the Add log note button add your own.  Log notes may not be edited or removed once entered.
    • Exceptions tab - This stores exception notes that are entered for the customer, bill to, shipper or consignee in the Files > Exception Notes option. 
      • Notes may be entered manually.  Any notes may be edited or removed.
    • Commission tab - Enter the sales rep to receive commission on this load.
  3. Move the load through the Operations > Planning screen
    • All columns are sortable and configurable.  RC (right-click) and select Column Ordering to pick and choose fields and their order. 
    • Assign Carrier - Select carrier to do the load.
      • Print or email the rate confirmation.
      • Load status goes to Planned.
    • Dispatch Carrier - Carrier has returned the signed rate confirmation and is now on the load
      • If you are on the split screen, load moves to the bottom panel.
    • Loaded Checkcall - Carrier has completed the first pick at the Shipper.
    • Stopoff / Comment checkcalls - Do as many of these as necessary during the life of the load.
    • Empty Checkcall - Carrier has completed the last drop at the Consignee.
      • Load is removed from the Planning screen
      • Load will remain in the Load Booking screen or can be moved directly to Freight Billing if a global configuration switch is set. 

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Article ID: 67
Last updated: 31 Oct, 2019
Revision: 3
Views: 129

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