Agent Tools Web Portal Setup Procedure

Agent Tools Web Portal


Agent Tools provide a web portal for your agents to access information on their customer's loads.  Management tools are provided in FreightWare to send invitations to the sales reps, disable or delete sales rep web access.

To register the sales rep is sent an invitation by email with a link that will take them directly to the registration page. Select Setup > Change Company Information > Sales / Invoicing tab - Click sales rep open folder icon to open sales rep details.

SQL Server Configuration

Database Email - Setup a profile (to be referenced below) with the necessary email settings.
Database security - Setup a database level security login to match credentials used in web configuration connection strings
Database Extended Property - Add AgentToolsSite extended property with a value of 1

 FreightWare Configuration

1) The following parameters must be set up in the Setup > Change Security Profile > Custom Fields (any one user)

AgentToolsSite - Base site address (ex:
AgentDBMail - Name of SQL Server Database Mail profile to be used to send the email from FreightWare
AgentInviteSubject - This overrides the default subject line when invitations are sent to sales reps

2) Select Setup > Change Company Information > Messages tab - These are the html templates for the email messages.  To edit these templates, the html code should be copied and pasted into another html editor.  Google search html online editor free to find an editor.)


Setup > Change Company Information > Sales / Invoicing tab

Click on the icon next to the sales rep name to open the Sales Rep detail screen. Sales rep must have a valid email address and be marked "Active" to receive an invitiation.

Article ID: 65
Last updated: 31 Oct, 2019
Revision: 3
FreightWare for Brokers -> Agent Tools Web Portal Setup Procedure