What's New in Truckload Version 5.61c?

Presenting Truckload version 5.61c

Here's the Highlights - Click on the links for more details.

Automatically create AP bills from FAM postings

AP Bills can be auto created from FAM postings similiar to posting of Driver settlements.

Default Terms Selection

Select default terms to be used on new Customer and Supplier files.

Credit Hold/Limit Switches

Set switches to check credit limits and prompt or stop use of Bill To customer. Stop use of Bill To customer if credit hold is set in customer file.

Enhanced Alert Code Function

Tractor Profitability Report Enhancement

Shows more cost detail and cost per mile figures. Runs in both detail and summary formats. Find this report in Reports>Operation Reports

Article ID: 64
Last updated: 31 Oct, 2019
Revision: 3
FreightWare for Truckload Carriers -> What's New in Truckload Version 5.61c?