Carrier Tools Web Portal Setup Procedure

Carrier Tools Web Portal


Carrier Tools provide a web portal for your carriers to access for bidding on loads, as well as posting available equipment.  Management tools are provided in FreightWare to send invitations to the carriers, link new registered users to the correct FreightWare carrier, and disable or delete any unwanted users.

There are 2 methods of registration.  1) User is sent an invitation by email with a link that will take them directly to the registration page and link them to the correct FreightWare carrier.  2) Users register directly into the web portal without an invitation.  In this case, the FreightWare Management tools must be used to link the new user to the correct FreightWare carrier.  In either case, an email is issued to a predetermined email address as notification of the new registered user.

Website Configuration

After the website is established, aside from the connection settings, the following settings must be set in the website configuration file:

SiteAddress - This is the base site address (ex:
bidRecipient - This is the email address where user bids will be sent.  (Note: this should be a distribution list, even if only one name so it is managed at the email server level.)
- This is the email address where notifications of new registrants.
FromAddress - This will be the "From" email address on any emails sent.  (i.e.
ReplyAddress - This will be the "Reply" email address on any emails sent. (i.e.
smtp - These are the host, port, userID, and password for the mail server account that will be sending the emails.

SQL Server Configuration

Database Email - Setup a profile (to be referenced below) with the necessary email settings.
Database security - Setup a database level security login to match credentials used in web configuration connection strings

FreightWare Configuration

1) The following parameters must be set up in the Setup > Change Security Profile > Custom Fields (any one user)

CarrierBaseSite - Same entry as SiteAddress above
CarrierDBMail - Name of SQL Server Database Mail profile to be used to send the email from FreightWare
CarrierInviteSubject - This overrides the default subject line when invitations are sent to carrier contacts

CarrierEmailBCC - Enter an email address that will be BCC'd when single invitations are sent to carrier contacts
LoadBroadcastSubject - This is a prefix to the "Load Alert! <origin> to <destination>" so your company name can be in the subject line.  (i.e.  Artronix Transportation Load Alert! Chicago, IL to Los Angeles, CA) 

2) Select Files > Equipment Types from the main menu to flag the DAT Type to each of your equipment types.  If the equipment type does not have a DAT Type selected, it will not be available to be displayed on the web or broadcasted by email.

3) Select Setup > Change Company Information > Switches - Set switch EMailNotifyLoads

4) Select Setup > Change Company Information > Messages tab - These are the html templates for the email messages.  To edit these templates, the html code should be copied and pasted into another html editor.  Google search html online editor free to find an editor.)


Utilities > Load Board Management

Carrier Masterbill - Charges tab

On each Carrier Masterbill that you want to broadcast, select the Charges tab

Article ID: 58
Last updated: 30 Oct, 2019
Revision: 3
FreightWare for Brokers -> Carrier Tools Web Portal Setup Procedure