FreightWare Help Center

What New in Truckload Upgrade Version 5.61b.106?

Article ID: 55
Last updated: 30 Oct, 2019

Presenting Truckload version 5.61b

Here's the Highlights - Click on the links for more details.

Accounts Payable Discounts

Auto calculate and apply discounts to accounts payable bills when paying suppliers.

Load History Search

Quickly search your load history by multiple criteria.

 Reworking of Payables System

Clean up of payables menu. Additional filters in Payables Check Run. 

 Active/Inactive flag on Divisions

Main Menu> Setup> Change Company Information> Banking/Financial Tab - Open division with open file folder icon at left. Select/Unselect Active checkbox.

Clear a zero dollar AP bill

Addition of Consignee column on Load Booking start screen

Print directions through Load Booking Print dialog 

Select Directions checkbox in print dialog window. Inbound and Outbound Directions are added on the Shipping Info tab of the Location record.

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Article ID: 55
Last updated: 30 Oct, 2019
Revision: 4
Views: 162

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