FreightWare Upgrade Procedure
The first step in upgrading your FreightWare software is to determine which computer will do the upgrade first. Usually this is the server (the computer with the SQL Server databases) but not necessarily.
The computer that does the first upgrade needs to have full access to the computer with SQL Server installed. This computer will move the upgraded FreightWare program to a network folder where all of the other workstations can copy it into their local computer.
Backup your SQL Server databases! Contact your network administrator to be sure you have a current, "restore-able", backup of your SQL Server databases.
Be sure your workstation or server is ready to run the upgrade
You're done! See the upgrade page for a list of your new FreightWare program features and enhancements.
Copy Upgrade To Server sample script
The FreightWare program file usually has the file name that ends in PGM5.mde. For example, the program filename for LTL is LTLPGM5.mde.
See if the folder that the upgraded program file is already in a shared network folder that your other workstations can access. If not, then use a script like this to move it. Edit the script for your system folder names and save the script as Copy Upgrade TO Server.bat.
:: FreightWare Upgrade Script
:: Copy Upgrade TO Server
pause "Please be sure FreightWare is closed before proceeding"
copy "c:Program Files\Artronix\" "\\serverc\Artronix\LTLPGM5.mde"
You should have a response of (1) file copied for each copy statement in your batch file.
Copy Upgrade FROM Server sample script
The FreightWare program file usually has the file name that ends in PGM5.mde. For example, the program filename for LTL is LTLPGM5.mde.
See if the folder that the upgraded program file is already in a shared network folder that your other workstations can access. If not, then use a script like this to move it. Edit the script for your system folder names and save the script as Copy Upgrade FROM Server.bat.
:: FreightWare Upgrade Script
:: Copy Upgrade FROM Server
pause "Please be sure FreightWare is closed before proceeding"
copy "\\serverc\Artronix\LTLPGM5.mde" "c:Program Files\Artronix\"