How do I create an Account or Sub Account in Chart of Accounts?

1. From the Main Menu choose: Accounting -> Chart of Accounts


2. From the Chart of Accounts screen click the NEW button.

3. From the Update Chart of Accounts screen:

3.1 Select the account type by clicking one of the eight types available.

3.2.1  If this is going to be a new "Header" Account, then enter your Account Number and Account Description.  Leave the Sub Account and Sub Account Description blank.

3.2.2  If this is going to be a new "Sub" Account then enter the Account Number and Account Description exactly the same as the "Header" Account.  Then enter your Sub Account and Sub Account Description.  A common sub account would look similar to this:

4. Click the OK button to accept your changes.

5. Click the Done button to exit the screen.

Article ID: 26
Last updated: 30 Oct, 2019
Revision: 3
FreightWare for Brokers -> Accounting -> Chart of Accounts -> How do I create an Account or Sub Account in Chart of Accounts?