Passwords must be a minimum of 8 characters in length.
There are 4 groups of character sets available to be used in your new password.
- lowercase alphabetic characters (a,b,c,...)
- numbers (0,1,2,3,...)
- special characters (%,#,!,&,...)
You must use characters from 3 of the 4 character sets for your new password. For example, Truck101 would be a good password because it has one or more uppercase, lowercase, and numeric characters.
- You can't use any part of your name in the password (Paul101 and Sieloff123 would not work for Paul Sieloff)
- You can't re-use an old password. (This should not happen often as we do not reset or expire anyone's password unless requested)
- Passwords can be phrases that contain spaces. These may be easier to remember. (Ex: I like M&Ms!)