FreightWare Help Center

How do I setup an Accounts Payable vendor?

Article ID: 13
Last updated: 29 Oct, 2019

Select Purchases > Work with Suppliers

Click the New button in the lower left corner to enter a new record or click the Open Folder icon on the left end of any existing vendor to view/edit their information.

Supplier Number - This is the number FreightWare uses to identify this vendor.  You have the opportunity to assign the number yourself or allow the system to automatically assign a sequential number.
Company - This is the company name of the vendor. 
Contact - Your primary contact for this vendor.
Street - This will be the mailing address that will appear on the check printed for this vendor.
City/St/Zip - Enter this info in the 3 individual fields.
Country - Only enter the country if it is not the U.S.
Phone - Main office number

Fax Number - Always enter the 10-digit number even if it happens to be in your own area code so it may be faxed through FreightWare
Email - Primary contact email address
Remit To - If your vendor is using a factoring company, drop down to see if the factoring company is already on the list.  If not, then click on the pencil box to the right when this field is blank.  That will allow you to enter the factoring company information.  Close the Remit To window and select the new factoring company from the drop down list.
Comments - Free-form comments for your own reference.  They do not print anywhere in the system.
Supplier / Other Vendor - This field is obsolete and will be removed in a future release.  Please leave it selected on Supplier.
Type of Vendor - A free-form field to identify the vendor type.  It does not affect any other parts of the system.
Account Number - This is the vendor's customer account number for you in their computer.
Payment Terms - Drop-down and select from the pre-set terms.
Credit Limit - Your customer credit limit amount with this vendor.
Fed Tax ID - or FEIN if this vendor is a corporation or LLC

SSN - Social Security Number if this vendor requires a 1099
Default Expense Acct - This field is optional and is the normal expense account distribution.  When manually entering AP Bills, FreightWare will automatically distribute the full AP Bill amount to this default account.

1099 Information - Click the 1099 button to toggle between 1099 Exempt and 1099.  When not exempt, the following fields will appear. The next 3 fields are only used when starting FreightWare in the first year and are used as starting balances on the first 1099 for the amounts that were accrued from outside FreightWare from the beginning of the year to the go live date.
    Beg Balance - Added to the 1099 earnings.
    Fed Withheld - Added to the 1099 Fed Withholding amount.
    State Withheld - Added to the 1099 State Withholding amount.

    1099 Line - This is the type of 1099 earnings

Contact Information - Click on the Contact Information tab to access the additional contacts. Enter any new contacts on the last blank group of fields. 

To delete a contact, hightlight the box on the left with the arrow to the left and press the <DELETE> key on your keyboard.

User Defined - This screen is designed to allow additional fields to be labeled with your own field names


Supplier Information - General information about the vendor

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Article ID: 13
Last updated: 29 Oct, 2019
Revision: 3
Views: 233

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