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How to set up a rate sheet of flat pallet rates

Article ID: 109
Last updated: 31 Jan, 2023

In this scenario, we want to charge a different rate for each pallet shipped as follows:

1st pallet - $50.00
2nd pallet - $60.00
3rd pallet - $70.00
4th pallet - $80.00

For example, if 2 pallets are shipped, we charge $50.00 for the first pallet, plus $60.00 for the 2nd pallet, for a total of $110.00.

There are 3 main components to rating a shipment. 

1) The Rate Sheet ID - Determined by the customer
2) The Rate Base - Determined by the pickup/delivery locations of the shipment
3) The Commodity Class Code - Determined by the type of product being shipped

The idea is to bring these 3 components together in a freight bill to allow a lookup to the Rate Table and retrieve the rate, and then extend by either weight or quantity.


Use the following example screen shots to set up Flat Pallet Rates.  The first step is to set up the components in the rate files.

1) The Rate Sheet ID - From the main menu, select Rating Setup > Rate Sheets

Rate Sheet ID - Any code, preferably less than 10 characters
Description - Make this a unique description as you will be selecting the rate sheet from this description.
Single Rate Base - Only fill in this field if there are no variations to the rates.  For example, the rates for Zone A would be different than Zone B.  A and B would be the Rate Bases.  If you have variations to the rates like this, leave this field blank.
Rate Type - In this case we are setting the field to Flat
Deficit Weights - This field is primarily used for per CWT rates, where the rate to ship 995 lbs. at the 500 lb. rate per cwt, is more than shipping 1000 lbs. at the 1000 lb. rate per cwt.  With deficit weights enabled, the system will add the 5 lbs. to get the cheaper rate.
Base Rate Sheet - In many cases, rates will be similar for some geographic areas.  Use another rate base for most of your rates and override with another rate base sheet.
Multi-Class Option - If you are shipping multiple classes of freight in the same shipment, you will need to select what class will be used to determine the deficit weight.
Tariff Type - Always set to FreightWare unless otherwise directed to do so by Artronix Support.

Note: You can link a rate sheet to a customer by selecting the rate sheet in the Customers > Sales / Invoicing tab - Rate Sheet field.  Then, whenever that customer is the "Customer" on a freight bill, the Rate Sheet will be defaulted into the Rate Sheet field.

2) The Rate Base - From the main menu, select Rating Setup > Rate Base Index

Rate Sheet ID - Select the Rate Sheet we set up in the Rate Sheets option above.
Point Code A - Point codes are assigned to locations.  For example, all areas within 10 miles of the dock are Zone A (or point code A).  11 - 20 miles, Zone B, and so forth. 
Point Code B - A freight bill consists of a shipper and consignee, one pickup location and one delivery location for a shipment.  Each location can have their own point codes.
Rate Base - If a shipment is between Point Code A and Point Code B, then use this Rate Base value in determining the rate in the rate table.
Miles - Used if you want this Miles value to be defaulted into the freight bill for these point codes.

3) The Commodity Class Code - From the main menu, select Files > Item Codes

Item Code - Any unique code that would intuitive to remember for the item you are shipping
Customer - If this item is unique to a particular customer, then select the customer here.  This item will then only be available in the Freight Bill items dropdown when this customer is the "Customer" selected on that freight bill.
Rate Sheet - If this item is unique to a particular rate sheet, the select the rate sheet here.  This item will then only be available in the Freight Bill items dropdown when this rate sheet is the used on that freight bill.
Description - This description will default into the freight bill line item description field.
Unit of Measure - This will default the Unit of Measure field in the freight bill line item.
GL Revenue Acct - This will be the revenue account used for this line item revenue on your income statement.
Commodity Class - This is the field that triggers the rating process.  This field contains the 3rd piece of information needed to look up a rate. 
Qual - This is used for EDI purposes.  Only needed if instructed by Artronix Support.
Rate Type - This determines the type of rate for this item.  It can be a flat rate, rate per cwt, rate per pallet, per mile, and other choices.
Flat Amount - If you are not using rate tables (i.e. nothing in the Commodity Class field), then you can set the fixed Flat Amount for this item.  This is useful when creating a flat amount for accessorials like Liftgate, or Inside Delivery.  (Tip:  Use the same item code with different Customer codes to make customer-specific rates for accessorials.)
Minimum - Assign a minimum value to a freight bill line item using this Item Code.
Maximum - Assign a maximum value to a freight bill line item using this Item Code.
EDI Charge Code - This is used for EDI purposes.  Only needed if instructed by Artronix Support.
Discountable - This is the default value for the Discountable flag on a freight bill line item.
Commission - This is the default value for the Commissionable flag on a freight bill line item.
Surchargeable - This is the default value for the Surchargeable flag on a freight bill line item.
Temperature - This is the default value for the Temperature field on a freight bill.
Include in Pay On Revenue - Check this box if you want to the revenue on this freight bill line to be included when calculating the driver's pay.
Driver to be paid for this item - If there is more than one driver picking up, or delivering this shipment, then select which driver is to be paid.
Pay Category - Select this to determine what method of payment the driver will receive.  Pay Categories are defined at Files > Pay Categories.

Now that we have our 3 components defined, we can set up the rates.

From the main menu, select Rating Setup > Rate Tables

Rate Sheet ID - 1st component value from above.
Rate Base - 2nd component value from above.
Commodity Code - 3rd component value from above.
Effective - Date rates go into effect.
Expire - Date rates expire.
Minimum - Minimum rate to be calculated.
Maximum - Maximum rate to be calculated.
Low Limit - Lower bound of pallet count or weight (if per cwt rate).
Def Wgt - System-Calculated deficit weight determined by the current and previous line rate.
Rate - Rate for this pallet count or weight group.
Type - Flat or Rate per CWT.

We are ready to create a freight bill using our new rates.

  • When we selected our Customer in the upper right corner, it populated the 1st component, Rate Sheet field in the upper middle.
  • When we selected our shipper and consignee, notice the blue shaded point code fields. It used those values to lookup the 2nd component, Rate Base field from the Rate Base Index setup above. 
  • Finally we selected our Item Code, which triggered our rate lookup because it has a 3rd component, Commodity Class field in the Item Code setup above.

Now that we know what rate table to use, we put in the 4 pallets, the weight, and the rate of $260.00 was selected based on our combined rates for each pallet.  1st pallet $50 + 2nd pallet $60 + 3rd pallet $70 + 4th pallet $80 = $260 for all 4 pallets.

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Article ID: 109
Last updated: 31 Jan, 2023
Revision: 4
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