FreightWare Help Center

How to use Route Optimization in Manifest Routing

Article ID: 104
Last updated: 26 Apr, 2021

Route Optimization


Route Optimization is available for subscribers in the Manifest Routing tab.  Clicking the Route Optimization button will re-order your routing in the most fuel efficient route possible. 

From the manifest routing tab, click the Optimize Routing button.

Fixed Origin - This will be generally be the dock location and your fixed starting point.  Select another starting location or leave blank if no fixed starting point.

Route Optimization Method

  • No Optimization - You have already optimized your stops and only want to generate State Fuel Miles or Driving Directions.
  • Fixed Destination - Optimize all but the last stop.
  • Resequence All - Optimize all stops including the last stop.

Route Miles Method

  • Practical Miles - Not necessarily the shortest but the most practical route.
  • Shortest Distance - Shortest mileage route.
  • National Network - You can define your own network of stops and routes.  We do not utilize this feature in LTL.
  • Interstate - Utilize interstate roads where possible. 

Allow Relaxed Restrictions - Sometimes a trip setting (toll, border, vehicle configuration, etc.) won't allow a route to complete without relaxing one or more of those restrictions.  Checking this box will allow the route to be completed regardless of restrictions.

Border Open - Allow border crossings.

Avoid Toll Roads - Do not use toll roads on route if possible.

Vehicle Type - Select vehicle / trailer type to check for restrictions while routing.

Average Travel Miles per Day - Used to help determine overall route time.

Generate Driving Directions - Check this box when optimizing.  Then select the Print button from the manifest and select Routing Directions and click Print.

Generate State Fuel Miles - Check this box to generate your miles in each state on the Fuel Miles tab of the manifest.

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Article ID: 104
Last updated: 26 Apr, 2021
Revision: 3
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