How do I reset the UniPrint client on my local computer?

If you can no longer print to your local printers from your FreightWare Online system, resetting your local UniPrint client most likely will resolve the issue. Follow these directions to reset your UniPrint client:

  1. Log out completely from your FreightWare Online session. 
  2. In your local computer's System Tray, find the icon for the UniPrint client.  
  3. Right-click on the icon and select Exit
  4. Answer Yes to the "Are you sure you want to exit?" prompt.
  5. Click the Start button on your local computer.
  6. Navigate to UniPrint Suite -> UniPrint Client.
  7. Click on UniPrint Client.
  8. Log back into your FreightWare Online system.

If this procedure did not resolve your printing issue please contact Atronix Technical Support for further assistance.

Article ID: 100
Last updated: 22 Apr, 2020
Revision: 1
Miscellaneous -> How do I reset the UniPrint client on my local computer?